Friday, 6 July 2012

MORE Amazing Art

Following on from last weeks Art lesson, the Year Two children have taken Andy Goldsworthy's ideas of making art from found objects and gone outside to see what we could make..
This video gives you a good idea of the wonderful work that the children have produceed just using leaves, twigs, bark, berries, stones, etc. etc. that are found in the school garden.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Amazing Art

The Year Two children have been producing some amazing art. They have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, who goes out to make art in the environment. He takes nothing with him, except a camera, and makes his art from objects that he finds.
They made art from the things they could find in the classroom.
Here is a video of some of their work.

There are many more videos of art, animation, etc. on our YouTube channel at

Monday, 11 June 2012


Tesco have now finished giving schools vouchers when you pay for your shopping. If you have any left at home could you please send them in to school as soon as possible. We will be sending our vouchers to Tesco in the next two weeks, any vouchers that arrive in school later than that will unfortunately be unusable.

At present we look to be on course for collecting around 12,000 vouchers. Thank you all for your help - we assure you we will use them wisely.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee

We have had lots of great Jubilee activities at school today, where we all came in dressed in red, white and blue.

In the hall we watched a video of the Queen's Coronation in 1953, we also made sure that we all knew the words to the National Anthem.
We then went out to the front of the school where we planted a Diamond Jubilee Oak Tree.

We have made crowns and red, white and blue shakers ready for the afternoon garden party with the parents.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

You Tube channel

We now have a Pennington Infants You Tube channel, on which you can see any videos we post to the net.
We will not post videos of children, but we will post videos of their work.
At the moment there are videos of Year Two stop frame animations and the pencil grip instructional video.
We will add to this over time, so bookmark the page and keep an eye out for new videos.
Pennington Infants YouTube channel

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Pencil Grip - Pinch and Swoosh

It is very important to have a good pencil grip if you want to be able to produce beautiful handwriting.
We have made a short video to show a really simple method of making sure that your child holds their pencil in the correct way.
You can see the video on YouTube - follow the link below to watch the video.

Pencil Grip - Pinch and Swoosh - YouTube video

Monday, 14 May 2012

Art Activity Day

The Art Activity day which was previously advertised as happening on Wednesday 16th May, has been cancelled. We are sorry if you had been planning to come in to help. We will advise you of when our next Art Activity day will be and we very much hope that you will be able to come in to work alongside your children when it is re-arranged.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Our resident Blue Tit

Here is a sneaky glimpse of one of the pair of Blue Tits who have taken up residence in our birdbox.
Remember you can watch live pictures from inside the box at
or Google Birdbox Project and find our school from the Live Webcams tab.
Pictures are streamed day and night - as we have an infra-red nightvision camera in the box.
So if you wish to see the Blue Tits curling up to go to sleep, take a look at about 9 o'clock.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Blue Tits Nesting

We have a pair of Blue Tits nesting in the birdbox outside our school.
At the moment they are feverishly bringing moss and grass in to the box to fashion their nest.
You can see live pictures from inside the nest at


Please remember to send your children in to school with costume and towel for swimming.
Yr R on a Monday, Yr 1 on a Tuesday and Yr 2 on a Thursday.
If you are able to lend a hand either with changing, or helping in the pool, we would be most grateful. Please see the class teacher if you are able to help.